Wednesday, August 29, 2007
First half of the sem 1/07
Friday, August 24, 2007
enjoy weekend
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pengalaman kursus di Tebing Tinggi
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
aku dan photoshop
Assalamualaikum and Welcome to all.
Courtesy of PETAKOM,all students of UMP are welcomed to come and enjoy the greatest programme organizedý.
DAY : Friday till Sunday
DATE : 10th of AUG 07' till 12th of AUG 07'
Whats in Store For U!!!
In the event of the COMPUFEST 07'(Computer Festival),organized by PETAKOM, we would like to present to all of you, a PC FAIR for the second time of the year at UMP.
Representatives from Microsoft will be there on the12th of August. Be sure to take part in all the activities planned and win Microsoft merchandises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!!!
"Peneraju Tamadun Komuniti"
RAKSI 2007/08
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ari ini ari sabtu
CompuFest '07
28 Julai.................Kelas Adobe Photoshop dan Flash MultimediaAcara utama dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh warga UMP sendiri adalah PC Fair@UMP. Ia juga adalah acara penutup sempena CompuFest '07 ini. PC Fair@UMP ini juga diadakan pada sama tarikh dengan INOVEC '07 tetapi INOVEC '07 hanya akan bermula pada 11 Ogos 2007.
1 Ogos..................Talk on Software Engineering and Master Programme
4 Ogos..................Bengkel Pelajar Sekolah
4 Ogos..................Sharing Moments With Seniors
10,11,12 Ogos........PC Fair@UMP
Assalamualaikum and Good day readers, How're you lads? I hope all of you are doing fine there. How about me? Well, I'm alhamdul...
Assalamalaikum all! Just read it from UMP Life Forum. Industrial attachment for UMP student will be like other university too. What? It'...
Assalamualaikum all! This was taken from Cikma. Happy reading! ;) A good comparison .. *British English vs. Malaysian English** * * Who says...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... This is a story about one Sunday morning... *click picture to enlarge* That's all for now. ;) Directed by : ...
Recommended sites
- Adobe Tutorials
- Aku Sempoi
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- Discover Good Nutrition
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- Elia : Short & Sweet
- Eyeka Asia
- Fakta dan Kisah Bumi
- Forbes
- Generasi Malaysia
- Joomla Malaysia Community
- KL Urbanite
- Klik Aje
- Literasura
- PC Mag
- PC World
- Photo Malaysia
- SEO Chat
- Technology Review
- The Singapore Post
- Tun Dr Mahathir
- Ust Hazmi Dibok UMP
- ust moden
- Ust Yunan UMP
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- W3 Schools