This is a story about one Sunday morning...
*click picture to enlarge*

That's all for now. ;)
Directed by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Story by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Actors (according to order of appearance) : Suffi, 'Afif, Azam, Hafiz(if not mistaken la...), Afiq, Hazmi, Salman a.k.a Alang, Abg Nik and Junaidi
Photographer : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Download this episode!
Brought to you especially by JJ Production
*The way I am*
This is a story about one Sunday morning...
*click picture to enlarge*

That's all for now. ;)
Directed by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Story by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Actors (according to order of appearance) : Suffi, 'Afif, Azam, Hafiz(if not mistaken la...), Afiq, Hazmi, Salman a.k.a Alang, Abg Nik and Junaidi
Photographer : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Download this episode!
Brought to you especially by JJ Production
*The way I am*
asm...mantap ah komik abg JJ. ble nk kuar edisi ke 2? hehehe...
hehe...ilek2 dulu
tu try n error tu
baru tau tayar moto pancit bile YDP naik..huhu
i like..
YDP anda juge tu...hehe
uiks..ade komik la..bleh la langgan pas ni..huahuahua
huahuahua...cube jaye je tu bro
projek akan datang ni xtahu lg bile..
tgk la kalo dapat idea..
insyaAllah akan diteruskan lagi..
sesuai untuk tontonan umum
dh bc dh..
wat la gelagat dak ump yg cm2 ni lak ek...
good n kreatif.satu pmulaan yg baik dlm "penerbitan n pnerangan".hahaha..bese la..dhjadi mantan ni, xde la projek2 nk di, boring2 kne la buat amal jariah mcm ni..buat komik..haha..neway, buat la byk2..nnti bleh kitorg bce utk lpskn tensen..amik gmbr NC n prof jalil skali..buat dialog havoc!..hehe..wssalam...
gelagat dak2 ump? hurm..
menarik gak tu...
1001 macam ragam dak ump yg boleh dirakamkan melalui lensa...
akan difikirkan bagaimana...
tqs 4 tha brilliant idea..
gambar NC ngn Prof Jalil yer..hehe...menarik gak tu...
well, thanks for the very good idea bro...
creative...keep it up a good work...I will wait 4 da new episode huhu..chaiyok2!!!
tqs 4 da episode yer..insyaAllah...I'll try my best... ;) the way, good luck to all in final exam...hehe
menarik2 hope abg akan buat cter yg lebey mnarik...wait 4 da next episode...
Weyh jamil
Berani kau publish citer kitorang ya...
Part yg last skali x tahan tuh
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