Thursday, January 29, 2009
Internship application on the go
1. EIS Services (M) Sdn Bhd, Cheras (KL)
2. Auric Chun Yip Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam (SEL)
3. Xeersoft Sdn Bhd / NLL Technology Sdn Bhd, Pandan Perdana (KL)
4. Exact Asia Development Centre, Petronas Twin Towers (KL)
5. V-WIN.COM, Subang Jaya (Sel)
6. Tricubes Berhad, Ampang (KL)
And the first intership application to be sent by post :
7. EPA Management Sdn Bhd, Johor Bahru (Joh)
Anyway, I'll keep searching more the potential company to do my internship. Just for sharing. Keep on your feet. ;) I'm going out to post the application and to get some prepaid topup card stock from Jaya Gading. For UMP students, you can buy topup from me at C9 101, okay. Currently Maxis n Celcom je la. Hehe. Stay tuned. Peace!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Story at Convocation Day
This post is about what happened last Saturday. I woke up at about 6.20 am like that and then I took my bath, solat and so on lah. Not long after that, Mat Topo came to my room to pick me up. Ehehe. Supposedly, I need to go to KK2 that morning, but he came to pick me up by car. Ok la tu kan. Then, we went to KK2. We went to Jemin's house a.k.a the base. Jemin was still in the bathroom. So, we waited in the house for a while. Zam came not long after that with his blanket. Oi! Tak mandi lagi ke?
After both of them ready. We started our journey to Dewan Jubli Perak Sultan Ahmad Shah, Kuantan. I and Mat Topo went by car while the Jemin and Zam ride their bike. You know right why are we going there? Read previous post la geng. ;) We arrived there at 8.25 am like that. Wahlauwei.. Parents and graduates already there. Guards was also there standing at the main gate. Aisey. How to go in? I and Mat Topo went to park the car before planning how to get in. Jemin and Zam went in to search for place to inside the area. Not long after that, we gather to plan and discuss.
Suddenly, En Rizuadi came. Here came the idea. Haha. We asked En Rizuadi to talk to the guards to let us in. Taktik bijak. ;) We successfully get in. Alhamdulilah. We parked the car behind the parents tents. We setup our small stall there. Just a small one. Without the payung. So, we sell under the sun la kirenye. Even though we were like that, we get profit from our selling. Alhamdulillah. Not a very big profit, but it's enough and a good start for us. We were there until 1.30 pm. We ate(makan free kat situ le...hehe) first before we went back to UMP. That's the story. :)
Until then, stay tuned for more. InsyaAllah. ;)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Mid Sem Break + CNY 2009
Assalamualaikum readers! It's holiday again but it's for only a week. A short one. Plus it's Chinese New Year. For this, I would like to wish all my Chinese friends and readers Happy Chinese New Year. :) May the new year bring more happiness and wealthier. Peace!
I'm still here at UMP. Tomorrow, I'll be going to the Konvokesyen place at Dewan Jubli Perak, Kuantan to do some business. Haha. Nothing. Just go there and selling air kotak, air botol, Apollo cake and others. If you see me there tomorrow, don't forget to buy some from me and my team okay. ;) I'll be teaming up with Jemin, Mat Topo and Zam. My classmates and business partner. We have planned something big, insyaAllah will be running in near time. Projek ribu-ribu. Hehe. Well, it's all business nowadays aite? :)
That's all for this time. I'm currently formatting and installing windows at 2 laptops. Tonight I have another customer also. It's been busy lately but I like it. Because my time is filled with necessary and beneficial things. If not, I'll be going to sleep la. My favourite things to do. Hehe. Be sure, stay tuned. :)
P/S : Let's be multiskill peeps. ;)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Networm Kido...don't play-play ya..
The article dated 17th January 2009. A team of security researchers at F-Secure Corp. said that 6.5 million Windows PCs have been infected by the "Downadup" or “Kido” worm in the last four days(from the day the article is published or written), and that nearly 9 million have been compromised in just over two weeks. Just look how powerful the damn virus. you can read the full article here. You can also go to this forum for solution. Click here.
That's all for now. Free yourself from virus. ;)
Source :,
When I starting to write again...
As you know, recently I went to UUM attending a national conference titled Malaysia Quality Graduates & Employability. So, what comes into your mind as you see those title? Any idea? Yes? No? You better think of it right now.
What is actually meant by quality? From my point of view, quality is very good in almost anything, reliable, trustworthy, soft skills equipped and so on. In today's job market, we knew about the unstable economy which may resulted in many unemployed. So, master your field if you really want the job. Do you like to get your job that you wanted or end up liking the job that you get? Think of it.
When we talk about skills, there are 2 categories of skills; soft skills and technical skills. Technical skills of course we must master as we are in the technical field. What about soft skills? Do you know what is soft skills? Yes? No? Go Google to know what it is. And you know what. We must be able to balance these two skills so that we are well balanced.
There's a word saying "equal yet to be different." Can you guess the meaning of it? It means that all of us have the equal level of education. But the different is that ones have more than the others. This is a competition among young graduates which has no job experience. Ganbatte!
There was a model named ASK model. It is actually a combination from the first alphabet; Attitude, Skills and Knowledge. By applying this model into our life, InsyaAllah, we can tune our life and make it better. ;) For me, I think that attitude is the most important part that needed to work out very thoroughly.
I think that's all for this one. Sorry a lot if my writing is worse. A thousand apology. ;) Peace!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
4 days story
My journey started last Thursday at 4.00 am. You know right where did I went last Thursday? I told you already right? I went to the TechNet MSDN Technology Summit la of course. The event was organized by Microsoft. A very interesting event to attend. They introduced the new operating system by Microsoft, Windows 7. The latest one after Windows Vista. Even I haven't installed yet the Vista which I get it free when Microsoft came to UMP last 2 years if I wasn't mistaken. This seems I need to change my hard disk in this laptop. I think I'll buy the 250GB one. So that I can install XP SP2 + Vista + Windows 7 + Ubuntu 8.10. Amazing right? ;) I went with my Mobile Application Development classmates plus the diploma gang. Overall, the summit is very good. I wish to attend it again if they have it next time. Plus I get some freebies; t-shirt, a RM88 priced book, copy of Windows 7 Beta and copy of Microsoft Virtualization. ;)
We went back after the summit finished at 5.30 pm like that. And we arrived in UMP at almost 12.00 am. Then, I went back to my room. Rest a bit. Took shower. Packing my luggage. Went out again at 2.00 am. That's about 2 hours after I arrived here. Where am I heading this time? To UUM, Sintok, Kedah. Travel time almost 12 hours. And we went by UMP van. (Don't you tired man?) Of course la I'm tired, but I can sleep in the van what. I went to UUM with other 4 UMP students. I only knew one of them because she used to be the MPP secretariate. The other 3 I didn't recognize. But soon, we get along to know each other la. Among 5 of us, only me who did not hold any position in any organization currently. One of them is the President of MECHAPRO. The other one is EEES, CHEST and JPK committee.
We successfully arrived in UUM at 12.00 noon like that. As soon as we get into the main gate, the organizing committee of the program lead us to the registration counter. Oh, the program name I forgot to mention. It's National Conference : Malaysia Quality Graduates and Employability or it's shortform, MGE'09. After registration, we were taken to our residential. We stayed in University Inn. It's like their hotel la. Have aircond, Astro, hot water shower like that la. Hehe. Next to it is the masjid UUM, I can't recall what was the masjid's name.
The program starte after the Friday prayer. The programme have 6 sessions. However, we skipped tha last session because we took off early due to the long travelling time. If we took off at 5 pm, we'll most probably arrived in UMP at 4.00 or 5.00 am in the morning la. Oh no, no. I got class at 8.00 am in Monday you know. During the program, the most words that came out from the speakers' mouths was communication. You know why? Because most of them kept reminding the particiant that we all must have a good communication skill in order to get the job that we wanted or that we applied for in the future after graduate. From the talks, top one that lacks in Malaysian graduates is English. Even mine also is not very good. Huhu. I need to work more. Yeah! That was some of the important points that I get from the conference.
The organizer also took us to Pekan Rabu and presents us with their own yet simple performance from their own students. I like tha nasyeed plus dikir barat one.
Hehe. Oh, you know what. The committee members that organized this event was from DPP Proton members. It's like JPK here in UMP. I also get chances to get along to know some of the committee members, other universities delegates and also usha-ing this one makwe. Hehe. Jangan mare haa... ;P Overall, the program I can say it is a success for them. Congratulations!
And that's for this one. Stay tuned for more. Peace yo! :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I've submitted the PLI form... ;)
I still have less than 4 months to finish my day here in UMP. My PSM is on with the development even though I'm still designing the database. I'll do my best in my PSM. InsyaAllah. There are also another project, well, the subject's project - Software Project Management and Mobile Application Development. Phew! Plus searching for companies to do the LI. And not forget about my own business, printing service and computer services. Hehe. My business plan is also still on hold. I wanted to have my own printing company. You know, printing banners, posters, magazines and all that kind of stuff. At least I'll have my own business. Entrepreneur la katekan... ;)
That's all from me for this post. I need to proceed with my unfinished business as I said above. ;) Wish the best for me. InsyaAllah.
TechNet MSDN Technology Summit
Monday, January 12, 2009
Cabaran Catur Bistari Peringkat Kebangsaan
Recently, I was at Johor Bahru. I was going there with the Catur Bistari participants. I'm only a reserve player okay. Reserve. Hehe. But it's an unforgettable experience. The event named Cabaran Catur Bistari Peringkat Kebangsaan. It's a national level competition and it's held at the Persada Johor. That's the first time I'm there. :) The first prize for highest assets individually is a new Proton Saga. Group highest assets received trip to Gold Coast, Australia. Nice prize right? ;)
The competition was done in 2 session; two hours and a 15 minutes break. The rules was quite tough than its usual. My team change the strategy in order to cope with the rules. At last, we still not won any prize. Third highest assets for group was not far enough from my team's total assets. Well, that's the game. But you may learn much from this game. It's not just a game, it's has messages that the game wanted to deliver. That's what the game inventor's said la.
That's a bit from me. ;) Stay tuned for more! Peace!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Monday, January 05, 2009
Damn it! Fake message alert
It happens like this. When I was browsing my folders of course I clicked and clicked at my folders right. Suddenly you know what, a pop up message appeared with a very long messages in it. You know what it says? It says this, "WARNING! VIRUS DETECTED! Some dangerous virus detected in your system and bla, bla, bla..." At the end, it says this, "Download protection software now!" And at the bottom of it, it says this, "Click OK to enable antispyware software. (Recommended)" Lastly, you are giving options to click either 'Yes' or 'No' button. I am for sure wouldn't click that 'Yes' button. Haha. So, I clicked 'No'. You know what happened? The browser changed to an internet explorer. Really evil, right guys?
So, I tried to remove it using my antiviruses (AVG and later I try install Kaspersky cause my friends said it work). Not working. Hmm..then I used my antispyware. Not working also. Ni boleh mendatangkan marah. ;P In the mean time, I also search the solution through the net. Finally, I found the solution at Yahoo! Answers. There's plenty of answers also. I'm using this software named NVT Rogue Software Remover. It is a simple program that will help you to easily remove from your computer specific malicious software such as the Rogue Software, Trojan.FakeAlert and Trojan.Fraud.Load. More about it, go here. It's really simple to use :
1) Download
2) Install
3) Open it
4) Click on "Settings"
5) Check "Clear BHO"
6) Click on "Scan your PC"
That's settle it! ;) That's all i wanted to share. Peace!
Source :
2) How to remove "Warning! Virus detected!" message?
Sunday, January 04, 2009
When my fingers are typing...
Since last night, I was trying to accessed this but it just couldn't. I guess the whole Google related site was down here. What a pain. I can't even Google-ing last night to Google. Huahuahua.
From last night until today's night, I have attended 2 group discussion. Well, both of them are the same group actually. It's my Software Project Management a.k.a SPM group. I'm being the leader because the others were using their majority power. You know why? In my group, there are 8 members including me. I am the only guys which is from section C33. Plus, our group have only 2 guys, me and Amin Bob. Do I have to write this? Like I always said, "No problem...";) The first meeting was only attended by 5 members including me. So are the second meeting. Where are the other three?? One was going back to her kampung, one was absent with explanation and one was making an excuse, very much. Hey man, we are all evaluating each other you know. Haa...I tell you ha, you better watch out. This is not a warning, just to remind you. Okay. ;)
Without an incomplete soldiers, we keep on going with the discussion. The discussion was mainly about "What's our company name?", "What RFP/RFQ of software application that we will present on this Tuesday?" and others. Is it? I don't think so. Haha. Well, the main point of the discussion was all about that 2 questions only. Finally but not confirmed yet, we have decided to put our company name "Ten10". Short and simple. I also have created a blog for the company, well, the lecturer asked that each company have their own blog so that the progress works could be updated in the blog frequently. Since Google require 6 characters minimum, so I decided to add "Corporation" at the end of the company name and became "Ten10 Corporation". Nice right? Hehe. You can access the blog here. While the others were doing other tasks.
In the mean time, I got a task given by a friend of mine. I was told to design a logo. But I can't tell you what logo is it because it's P&C. Later if the logo is out, then I tell you okay? ;) Currently, I have 4 logos overall. By tomorrow, I hope I can have 5 or 6 logos. I'll try to do my best. It's been months I have not using my Adobe Photoshop CS2 since last eXpoconvo'08. You know what, go learn how to Photoshop-ing. I guarantee, you won't regret. Today, graphic multimedia is also important you know especially in making banner for promotion, multimedia presentation and others. So, how about a try? ;)
This evening when I took a long break from designing the logos, I watched this movie from my laptop. The movie titled "A beautiful Mind". It's an old movie but not too old. You know what, I was really impressed by the story. It's a story about a mathematician named John Nash. You know what, I like the way he break the radio code. Hehe. Very damn expert. And also, there's other values in that story. Very interesting. Cikma told me that, the lecturers should watch the movie. ;)
I guess that's it for now. There will be more to come in the next post. So, stay tuned. Stay smart, stay cool. Peace!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Tagged Title : Bone Thugs N Harmony – Show ‘Em
Assalamualaikum...just read lah okay ;)
Juju tagged me this...huhu...sorry dear, I post this late...well, you know me lah kan...huahuahua
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal / blog.
1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” … you say?
Bone Thugs N Harmony – Body Rott
[what is rott eh??]
2. How would you describe yourself?
Muse – Butterflies & Hurricanes
[yea baby…huahuahua]
3. What do you like in a girl?
Misha Omar – Sembunyi
[is it?? hurmm…]
4. How do you feel today?
Mariah Carey – Bringin’ On The Heartbreak
[ish2…ape plak…]
5.What is your life’s purpose?
Rabbani – Cari Pasangan
[it’s one of it la… ;P]
6. What is your motto?
Peterpan – Jauh Mimpiku
[huahuahua…very far ooo…]
7. What do your friends think of you?
Snoop Dogg ft Tyrese – Just A Baby Boy
[damn it! hahaha]
8. What do you think of your parents?
KRU – Ooh! La! La!
[hahaha…ape da…]
9. What do you think about very often?
D12 – My Band
[peace baby!]
10. What is 2 + 2?
The Temptations – My Girl
[apokobondo la ekau ni…]
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Hazel Fernandes – Number One
[i like this song…very inspiring….]
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Teriyaki Boyz – Cho Large
[ahaha…ape cho tu????]
13. What is your life story?
Muse – Supermassive Black Hole
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Too Phat – Tell Shorty
[who’s da shorty? haha]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Malique – Pergi Jauh
[shuh, shuh…off you go ;P]
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Blue – Best In Me
[haha…lawak siot… ;D]
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Outkast - Roses
[ceit…brani btol…]
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Bone Thugs N Harmony - Ecstasy
[i’m high…ish3]
19. What is your biggest fear?
Shiro Sagisu – Never Meant To Belong
[ye dok mu?]
20. What is your biggest secret?
Rihanna - Umbrella
[wuuwwee…umbrella ka? i don’t have an umbrella here…hehe]
21. What do you think of your friends?
Metallica – One
22. What will you post this as?
Bone Thugs N Harmony – Show ‘Em
[i guess it’s suitable…huahuahua ;)]
haha...abes la korang :
alia hepburn
araeve oo
dayat (mati la ko...haha)
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Assalamualaikum all! This was taken from Cikma. Happy reading! ;) A good comparison .. *British English vs. Malaysian English** * * Who says...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... This is a story about one Sunday morning... *click picture to enlarge* That's all for now. ;) Directed by : ...
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