Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2nd semester 2008/2009 : ON
In today's class, Dr Adzhar just give out the course outline and our group project. And he grouped us to groups. It's better than we ourselves make our own group. ;) I grouped in Group 10 together with 7 peoples. In the group, it was just me and Amin Bob is the guys. The rest are the girls. Nevermind that. Hehe. Our first task is to present a Request for Quotation (RFQ) or Request For Proposal (RFP) next Tuesday. Phew! That's just like less than a week away. No meetings yet have been done. Maybe tomorrow I'll call for a meeting with them about this matter. Ceit, macam boss lak. ;P
Hurm, it's another less than 20 minutes away from new year 2009. I guess it's time for me to wish all of you Happy New Year! Let's renew our aim and mission. Let's hope that this year will be better than last year for us. I think that's all for this post. And this is the last post for 2008. Peace yo! ;)
p/s : Countdown dalam bilik sudeyy... ;)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I'll be back soon~
p/s : TQs bro...haha...typing error...xperasan lak
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Entrepreneur as the first choice
Assalamualaikum all! I miss ya'll you know. Haha. I just came back from Genting Highlands. Recently, I joined Kursus Asas Keusahawanan Siswa (KAKS) from 13 to 19 Disember 2008. The program was held at Hotel Seri Malaysia Genting. So, I stayed at hotel lah for the whole week. I think this was the longest period of time I stayed in a hotel compared to all program that I've joined. Hehe.
First of all, I feel motivated. From the program, I learnt many things about entrepreneurship. Talks was given by peoples from MCeD and it's agencies like MARA, PUNB, TEKUN and SME Bank, PKNP and guest entrepreneur from Kuantan, Pak Long (I don't remember his real name...hehe). I also learnt how to do business plan (rancangan perniagaan or RP) which I never know before this. There were also talks given by UMP's lecturer who taught this subject in UMP; En Azizan and Pn Ida (both from FKPPT). I and other participants learnt much about marketing and accounting in business.
We have been given into groups. My group have 8 members; me, Husni, Hilmi, Amir Syafiq, Hazwan Rais, Shafuiddin, Hadi and Syazwan. Our company named Blueprint Enterprise. Our company do the printing services. Our end product are banners, posters, fliers, phamplets, buntings, events invitation cards and name cards. We also do printing for bulletins, books and magazines. In our RP, we have made a loan request to the loan agencies mainly to own a printer for offset printing. From this, we also wanted to expand our business to the next level. ;)
That printing thing, actually it's also my own idea because I planned to open my own printing company soon. InsyaAllah. Hurm...then, I think I better start doing something (well, I have started my own printing business in my room...kecil-kecilan jerk, price in town...lai, lai). I guess that's all for this one. I'll do my best to achieve my target. Let's make entrepreneur as our first choice, okay. ;) Chiow!
"Berhati-hati di jalan raya" - En Lokman, SSM
p/s : Juju, sorry for not yet doing your tag. Later I'll do it okayh. ;)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Salam Aidiladha 1429 Hijrah
This Thursday, I'll be departing back to UMP cause I'll be having a workshop called KAKS (acronym for Kursus Asas Keusahawanan Siswa) for a week at Gnting Highlands (Did I mention this before? Nevermind lah...hehe). I'll be going there on Saturday afternoon. Jemin also will go there with me. Ade gak geng...kiki ;P
And that's all for this short post. I'll start writing back frequently this beloved blog of mine when I'm back in UMP next semester. Till then, ciao~ ;)
Monday, December 01, 2008
It's been a week
Yesterday I went to Berjaya Times Square. Actually I followed my ibu and my sisters there. They have what they called it STS I don't know what it means. But it's like a one day workshop for Herbalife distributor. I entered it once and I just starting to take the product last week. It's just a supplement for our daily food and it's good though. Anyone who wanted to know more please contact me okay. ;) And maybe I'll promote it here when I get the results. Peace!
I think that's all for today. It's 1 December now. Phew! New month already. Wake up, wake up. ;)
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm at Subang jaya!
Last week I went back to KL on Monday evening. I went back with Hapiz and Radin, my senior at UMP. But I didn't went back directly lah because I went to khidmat first at Masjid Sri Petaling. Just khidmat taam (cooking) only. ;) It's an experience though. Yet, cooking for hafiz studets. I was there until Friday morning. On the evening, I went to Low Yat Plaza with Hapiz and Hj Hamzah. I just being their tour guide as they are not familiar with KL. I also grab myself a new white colored Sonic Gear headphone. ;) Cause the last one I lost it during eXpoconvo workshop. Huhu.
I went back home that evening after having my dinner and solat Maghrib. Alhamdulillah. I safely arrived at my lovely home at 9.00 pm like that. Currently, still not much activity to be do. Just sleep only lah. Hehe. I think that's all for this post. I'll keep on updating as frequent as I can. ;) Okay. Chow!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last day of the semsester
Assalamualaikum friends! Hurm...I'm still at UMP if you wanna know. InsyaAllah this Monday (tomorrow) I'll be going back to KL. Technically, I'm stuck because I don't have money to buy the ticket to KL. Huhu. I've made request to my ibu and later she'll bank in some for me. Alhamdulillah. I'm supposed to write this post yesterday but due to some cirsumstaces I can't made it. Well, nevermind. I still can write it today. ;)
Last day of the semester, Friday. The morning session I went to the cacing place as you can read in my post before. In the afternoon, at about 4 pm like that I went out to Kuantan with Nizam and Azam. Nizam just finish his bioinfo exam. It seems that Computer Science students was among the last to finish the final exam. Hehe. We went to Kuantan with Danial's Satria Neo. Before we going somewhere else, we went to the bus terminal first cause Nizam need to buy his ticket bus.
After that, we decided to go to Pantai Sepat as before this our plan was cancelled due to rain. That evening, the atmosphere also good and breezy. The first time I went there, I was amazed because of the view there. The place is surround with kampung view. Peace and harmony you may feel. As we arrived there, we went to the masjid first to solat Asar. After that, we moved to search for a place to park. At there, you may park anywhere because there was no spesific car park there except the one near the masjid. Then we walked along the seaside until about 500 metres away from where we parked. The wave is quite high that evening. Air pasang la kot..
We were there until 6.40 pm like that. Then we move to Kuantan Parade. We solat Maghrib at the surau there first before we went inside the Kuantan parade. Azam was looking for a new handphone. We went to the Samsung booth. There was a promotion. 2 handphones priced RM388. Coloured screen. Not bad. It's good enough for those who wanted to owned a phone with a basic specs. We were there until quarter past nine like that. Before we went back, we stopped at the Mahkota Tom Yam to have our dinner. It's kinda tired that day cause one whole day I was out. Hehe. I think that's all for this post. Chow! ;)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
RM350 per kg...ada brani??
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters! Do you like worms? Not the virus one, you know what I mean right. These worms...
That's right. Do you know what it can do? Yes? No? Nevermind. Just asking. Hehe. Actually yesterday morning, I and a group of UMP students went to a farm. A farm that breed worms. ;) It was organized by the Kelab Keusahawanan a.k.a KAWAN (Entrepreneurship Club) The company claimed to be the largest company in Malaysia that do this worms business. The worm breeding is actually took its place in Malaysia long time ago but sadly it was not being commercialized. Because of that, Indonesia have taken the advantages to start the business. Usually we know that worms can be used to make fish food right? Yesterday, the project manager said that worms also can be made into cosmetics thingy thing. Amazing right? ;)
We went to their office first to hear briefly about this business from their Project Manager, Mr. Abdul Razak Mamat. He explained briefly whats the business is all about, how is the breeding process, how they harvest the worms and other related information. Quite an interesting business though. ;) The breeding process is not hard. Just need some patience. Hehe. Yesterday was also the first time an IPTA came to the company to see live how the business is done. There were also requests from oversea for worms. The price for one kilogram of it is RM350. Amacam, ada brani? ;) Before they bring us to the farm, they served us with some kuih-muih and tea.
At 11 am like that, we were brought to the farm. There, the worker showed us live how the worms is breeding. They have like a house to put all the container. The worm and the medium (it's like soil made by using goat dung plus wood chaff waste a.k.a hampas habuk kayu) is put in a container. And there were about hundreds of them. The total weight of all worms there at the farm is 4 tonne if I'm not mistaken. Our visit there ends at 12.00 pm like that. Then the delegation representatives gave the R3 Worms representatives a souvenir. We also took pictures together then. It was a very meaningful visit there because I learnt many things. Especially about worms breeding. More information about the company, you can get it here. Okay then. Stay tuned with more updates from me. Chow! ;)
Happy Holiday to all UMP-ians
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Damai 2nd edition : 17 copies completed, another 93 copies to be completed
Damai is actually MPP bulletin. I went to the Publication Department at UMP admin's office twice just to review the final draft of the bulletin. Before that, I went to see Prof Jalil first to asks for his comments about the final draft. Well, I'm new. Hehe. After the first repair, I went to see En Arman to asks for his comments about the repaired one. That took me about 2 months before proceeds to printing.
For printing, I have choose Abg Rahmat's company since I've already discussed with him long, long time ago about the bulletin. Hehe. Then I asks him to come out with the quotation and then the quotation will be given to the Bendahari. Bla, bla, bla... There's too many process after that. Until the LO (local order) came out and I gave it to Abg Rahmat so that he will get the payment from the university. Nak bayar sendiri modal xberapa nak ada kn. Hehe.
So, I guess until here only I want to write about this post. Stay tuned for more updates from me. Chow. Peace! ;)
Bengkel Penulis Bebas

Assalamualaikum all especially for those who likes to write (journal, poem, short story or any kinds of writings). There will be a one day workshop about freelance writer. The details are as follows :
Bengkel Sehari Penulis Bebas
Tarikh : Ahad 11 Januari 2009
Tempat : Bilik Persidangan, Mahallah Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Masa : 9.30 pagi - 4.00 petang
So, grab this chance! IPTA and IPTS students are encouraged. More details about this workshop is here >> Bengkel Sehari Penulis Bebas.
The coach of this workshop is En Zamri Mohamad.
That's all for now. Peace! ;)
P/S : To UMP students whom have attended the Bengkel Penulisan at UMP last February 2008, I encouraged you to attend this to further your knowledge about writing. Just a suggestion. ;)
My Reebok is half dead
Unfortunately, it was time for it to broke. I think later I'll go to the cobbler when I get back to Subang Jaya. ;) In last night, I managed to put in 3 goals for myself. The first one is a luck, I guess. I actually heads the ball but it was stopped by the goalkeeper. Then the ball reflected and my knee heads for the goal (kire double header la ni). Hehe. The second and third goals is the real goal. Not luck goal, okay. ;) I had many chances but I failed to score. I still have this mindset, "I'm not good in one-on-one with the goalkeeper." Alahai~~ Next time, I'll try to throw away that negative mindset. InsyaAllah. I also tried a left foot volley but it hits my teammate. Aisey. Sori la bang. One more volley was a mistake when I put a wrong body posture. If not, it would be a nice goal (perasan la plak...haha). :)
Well, I think it's a good sign for me to be active in sports again. In the mean time, I'm waiting call-ups and the training for next year's MASUM Hockey League. It's been a long, long time (actually it's a year) I'm not involving myself in hockey since I was the MPP (I can't even show up in training...huhu). Last words from me in this posts, do not forget to excercise. ;) Peace! Salam...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Final Exam Sem 1, 1008/2009 : Mission Accomplished!
Well, that's all to tell for now. Stay tuned for new posts. Exclusively by me, Jamil. ;)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
From my lens : Penglipurlara Malam Hari - Quantum of Teluk Chempedak
This story is about 3 friends...
*click picture to enlarge*

Thanks for viewing. ;)
Directed by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Story by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Actors (according to order of appearance) : Azam, Nizam, Akak kat KFC TC, Jamil
Photographer : Azam and Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Download this episode!
Brought to you especially by JJ Production
*Love your life*
ASEAN Skills Competition 2008
Actually it is the 7th edition of the competition and it is held from 10th to 19th November 2008 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objectives of this competition are:
- To promote the development of quality vocational and technical skills and work values among the youth and skilled workers;
- To foster technical cooperation in vocational/technical education and training among members countries;
- To encourage close cooperation among governments,industries, employers’ and workers’ organizations and vocational training institutions;
- To provide a vehicle to recognize work excellence and develop a new generation of highly skilled workers.
For more information about the on going events, you can get it at their official website. That's all for this post. ;) Chow!
KL Photo Awards 2009 [updates from the organizer]
Main prize USD 3,000 / Trophy
2 x Runner Up prizes
USD 1,500 / USD 750 / Trophy
Main Prize USD 1,500 / Trophy
2 x Runner Up prizes
USD 750 / USD 375 / Trophy
All finalists will receive an Exhibition catalogue and the exhibition print framed of their winning entries
Portraits of 40 selected finalists will be displayed at the Official Awards Ceremony and Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur
All finalists images will be included in a catalogue accompanying the Exhibition
Assalamualaikum and good morning! This post is about updates that I get from KL Photo Awards 2009 organizer. As I read through, each entrance need to pay their entrance fee (Professional : USD15.00 per image, Non-Professional : USD7.50 per image, each entrant may submit up to six (6) images) by using credit card. So, I e-mailed the organizer asking how about those who doesn't have one like me an the other students. Then he replied me back that he will work on something. This morning I went through the official website and I went in to the Enter section. Alhamdulillah. There was it. An alternative way to pay the entrance fee is available. This is how it can be done :PROCEDURE FOR MANUAL NON-CREDIT CARD PAYMENT:
(A valid email address is required)
a. Entrant makes payment by direct bank transfer/bank-in into the provided account below.
b. Entrant faxes or emails a copy of the banking slip to Mongoose Publishing with the following required details, with the subject header KLPHOTOAWARDS ENTRY :
First Name
Last Name
IC/Passport No.
Date of Birth
Contact Address
Contact No.
No. of Images
c. Time Out KL will confirm the amount in their account, and you will receive an email with your unique User Name and Password.
d. The Photo Contest User account is then created to upload your photo/s online.
Beneficiary Address:
Tel : + 603 2166 6650
Fax : + 603 2166 6651
Account Number: 5144 9530 5856
Swift Code : MBBEMYKL
Bank Address:
LOT C 21 - C,
Quantum of Teluk Chempedak
The moment we depart, we hoped that Pantai Sepat is not gonna rain because sometimes it happened to be that raining at UMP but not Kuantan. If our hypothesis is wrong, then we will go to Teruntum to watch the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. The decision, we went to watch the movie. We arrived at Teruntum at about 6.35 pm like that and we went up to the movie place. The next premier will be at 7.00 pm. Then, Azam and Nizam went to the ticket counter and bought the ticket for three. Siap sempat usik akak tiket tu lagi diorang ni. Haish. The ticket priced RM9 each. The time still have another 15 minutes more before the premier starts.
To utilize our time, we went to Kuantan Parade for a while. Nizam bought a sweater there. Just before we enter the cinema, we solat Maghrib first at the surau near the parking. Then, we went to the cinema at about 7.10 pm after finishing our solat. *Remember, don't forget to solat when it's time* We enter the cinema and I can see the seat had many empty. We sat in the middle row seat. ;) It's been a long time I'm not going to the cinema. The last time I remember was when I went out with my family to watch a midnight movie at Sunway Pyramid. We watched War of The World that time.

I can give four stars out of five to James Bond's Quantum of Solace. I felt like there's something missing somewhere in the movie. Usually, James Bond will play with his unique weapon or tools. But not in this movie. The movie also showed how Bond was labeled as wild or can't be controlled and was framed for series of murderer. Wanna know the details? Go see it for yourself lah okay? Hehe. ;) The movie length 1 hour 45 minutes. After we finished watching the movie, we went to the Megamall. Just to look around the place. Hehe.
Not long after that, we went to Teluk Chempedak. The place suggested because we can take pictures there. As soon as we arrive, we went to KFC first. What were doing there?? Ate la of course. Lapar mehh. Hehe. After we finished, we went to the seaside. We took several pictures of ours there using the Sony DSC-R1. ;) I also saw many of UMP-ians were there. And some of the UMP-ians that we detected were Arnidcha, Hamsa, Fariz and Wani. Haha. Kantoi dating ngan akoo...
Just before we went back to UMP, we drop by McDonald to buy some ice creams and Azam went to KFC a while to buy food for Tito. Then we depart back to UMP. Tired already. I think that's all for this post. Haish. We'll see again in the next post! ;)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tagged again...
1. Put The logo in your blog
Kaum adam dikecualikan.. kalau nak letak! digalakan..
(ahaha...what's this? nevermind)
2. add a link to the person who is shared it with you
Sheikh, ko dh abes final ke?
3. Nominate at least 7 other blog
bob solah
ray jr
haha...padan muke korang kene tag ;P
4. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog
Later after I finish posting this okay ;)
Tag belom habes lagi okeh!
Be Honest
Law and order
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON’T change your clothes, DON’T fix your hair…just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
sume yg kat atas 2 la...
dan juga, kepada sesiapa yang berminat nak buat.. aiman tak kesah ..
jangan menipu diri sendiri sudah la =>
I took this picture using Sony DSC-R1, my sis's tripod and flash mode SL
(Haha...just finish my current issues paper..)
Another 1 to go...
Well, I just got another one paper to go; Multimedia Application Development. It will be this Wednesday at 2.30pm. I'm looking forward to it. :)
*Usaha tangga kejaayaan*
Sunday, November 09, 2008
From my lens : Kisah di pagi Ahad - Sarapan Oh Sarapan
This is a story about one Sunday morning...
*click picture to enlarge*

That's all for now. ;)
Directed by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Story by : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Actors (according to order of appearance) : Suffi, 'Afif, Azam, Hafiz(if not mistaken la...), Afiq, Hazmi, Salman a.k.a Alang, Abg Nik and Junaidi
Photographer : Jamil a.k.a Suburbanzero
Download this episode!
Brought to you especially by JJ Production
*The way I am*
Assalamualaikum and Good day readers, How're you lads? I hope all of you are doing fine there. How about me? Well, I'm alhamdul...
Assalamalaikum all! Just read it from UMP Life Forum. Industrial attachment for UMP student will be like other university too. What? It'...
Assalamualaikum all! This was taken from Cikma. Happy reading! ;) A good comparison .. *British English vs. Malaysian English** * * Who says...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... This is a story about one Sunday morning... *click picture to enlarge* That's all for now. ;) Directed by : ...
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